Friday 2 December 2011

1 Day Later!

I can't believe what a difference 24 hours makes in our lives! You only have to read my previous post to realise I am in a highly positive state of mind at the moment and also working hard at strengthening my body to be healthier.

Now I can't say I have completely lost my positive thoughts but they took a slight battering this morning at the gym.

I had a bit of a cold and it has now slowly started turning into a chest infection. Definately slower than normal but its happening.

I will be honest with my symptoms now so beware lol!! Since last night when I was in bed I started to cough up a lot more sputum from my lungs and it was also thicker than normal. This morning I went to the gym and truely struggled which annoyed the hell out of me as its my first step backwards since I started going! I still managed 35 mins of exercise but it was so damn hard... My heart rate was through the roof and I kept having coughing fits and people were looking at me... After 15 mins on the bike I hid inbetween the CV room and the weights room and coughed my guts up and where I stood no one could hear or see me. Once I felt slightly better I went back and did 25 mins on the treadmill. My heart rate never settled and felt like it was gonna beat out of my chest. It makes sense because with the thick sputum blocking my airways I have less oxygen getting through so my heart has to work harder to pump the oxygen around my body.

I could tell it was purely my lungs playing up as I really pushed myself on the weights and felt not too bad at all. Needless to say I have been exhausted ever since I left the gym. This is the hard park for us CF people.... I have been able to do so much recently and all of a sudden I feel like I need to rest and put my feet up and not do anything. But 1, I have 2 children and that's not possible and 2, even the closest people to you struggle to understand my sudden lack of energy and tiredness cos I look exactly the same on the outside as I did yesterday and the day before etc etc. I completely understand that no one will ever know fully how I feel apart from people in a similar situation but its really frustrating when my body doesn't co-operate! Grrrrrr @ CF!

BUT!!! There is a but!! I have not lost my determination. I will still be going to the gym no matter how many people want to stare or how hard I cough! I am not letting CF dictate to me anymore its just not an option. Though I will be taking it slightly easier for the next few days :o). Xx
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1 comment:

  1. Hiya I just found your blog and really enjoyed reading it. I have CF too and it's great to see you've had two gorgeous kids! Hope you're well

    Josie xx
