Monday, 21 February 2011


There is 1 big and main reason I started doing this blog....

My good friend gave me the idea after I was confiding in him about a few things that are very in depth and personal.

But I can't keep it to myself as it defeats the object of writing it!!

I'm not sure if I can put these feelings into words but I guess I have to try!!

So..... The main reason for writing this blog to be blunt is so that if anything happens to me while Livvy is still young she will be able to come on here one day and see just how much she means to me. Obviously that now extends to my unborn little one too but for now I can only speak of my intense love for my daughter :o)

She is my absolute world. I never thought I would have a baby at all and I just feel so blessed to have the chance to be a mommy. To guide a new life and to give her everything she needs and hopefully everything she wants is all I live for now. Livvy lights up my life every single day without fail. I have never gone a day without feeling so completely lucky to have had her. It's a pleasure to watch her growing up and I feel privaledged to call her my daughter.

Like I said I can never put into words truely how I feel cos the words haven't been invented to show such feeling and POWER.

I love you Olivia Moult with all my heart and promise I will always be with you wherever you are throughout your special life xxxxxxx
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully put, with lovely sentiment hun.
    I share the same goal with my blog, it being here as a road map for my life and experiences, in the hope that it will touch someone I know, or maybe someone I have and will never meet, and educate or inspire them to do something amazing.
    Your blog is living proof that it works, and I hope your blog goes on to inspire others.
    You Kim, are an amazing person, never let anyone tell you otherwise.

    So, relax, clear your mind, take a deep breath, then just dictate to the blog as your heart scream a out wit all it's words and emotions it wants to share.

    Love ya hun x
