So..... In all honesty I think we both got complacent with each other. No effort was being made to take care of the house and no effort was made to have any special time together. It was all Black Ops at every available opportunity and that is just not good enough.
When I was pregnant with Livvy I cherished every small or large change in my body that being pregnant effected. This time i'm finding my changing body harder to come to terms with and feel unattractive. I am so in love with my hubby and fancy him rotten so it's soooo important to me that he feels the same.
Things sometimes have to come to a head so that it can change. And it definately came to a head. I'm very glad even though I can't stand us arguing cos things are going to change!!! A rota has been written and put on the fridge, we have talked and I have said what my expectations are. I know i'm not perfect and I have to change too.
We don't have an easy life, either of us, for different reasons. But there are things we can do to make it easier for both of us. For now we need to appreciate my growing bump, our beautiful daughter thats constantly changing and developing, a lovely house and garden (if we look after it!), we both found our soul mate and have commited ourselves to each other for life and not everyone is lucky enough to find that, and appreciate my health having the first bit of stability in well over 12 months!
I have ALOT to live for and intend on living it to the full with the people I love with all my heart :o)
Oh and BTW..... It's valentines day today and Chris got me the most beautiful charm bracelet that he picked himself!! I couldn't have picked better myself it seriously is gorgeous, I am very lucky! :o) Bye for now xxxx
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