Thursday, 20 October 2011

So My Children know!

After having an extremely difficult few months things finally start to be settling a little bit. Yes of course things are not perfect but i can now today think that there is more positive things going on than negative. Its been a while since I could say that. I am gonna try my hardest to stay thinking positive for the sake of my hubby and kiddies. Cos I can tell all 4 of us have benefited from the more positive atomosphere in our house.

Before contemplating having children the doctors tell you facts and figures about how you drop a certain percentage of your lung function during the pregnancy and its hard to gain back afterwards and some people never do get it back.

NOW!!! You could look at it in a very negative way and and get very scared and my children reading this thinking "am I the reason mommy got poorly" and the answer is HELL NO. Olivia and Jayden you have absolutely saved me in more than one way. You have prolonged my life as I never used to look after myself properly. You have given me a reason to fight for life and not just accept what is getting thrown at me. I am truely truely blessed to be both of your mommy's. Your Daddy is also a reason for prolonging my life as he helped create you both. And not just thinking that was his job he now looks after the 3 of us perfectly.

So I really hope both believe me when I say you saved me, you didn't ruin me. You are the reason I take every breath and how I get out of bed in the mornings. I always look forward to seeing both of your beautiful in the morning. You make us so happy and I'm determined to do whatever it takes so that I am here for you both for as long as possible.

Love you 3 with all my heart and without you life would suck!! Xxx
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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