Monday, 17 January 2011

New Shoes!!

WOW!! Livvy is now nearly 17 months old and I have always gone against putting pretty shoes etc on her little feet cos they dug into her chunky legs and also they never stayed on for more than 2 mins so I never saw the point.

Livvy has been walking for a good month or 2 now so was told she needed to have proper shoes on which will help her. So we went into town and the first shoe shop we went to measured her little feet and tried a couple of shoes on. Livvy was shaking cos she was so scared and crying! She didn' want us to put her down and refused to walk in the shoes like she was rooted to the spot lol! Considering she is a tough nut and hardly cries we were shocked at how dramatic she was being! Anyway they didn't have the shoes we wanted so we went to the other shop. They had the perfect shoes. Little black patent ones with 3 hearts by the heel that light up everytime she takes a step :) they are soooo cute. BUT £28!!! Bloody hell! Worth it though cos they look gorgeous.

Now we are home she is starting to walk around and is getting used to them bless her :)

So another mile stone reached and I cherish everyone of them. Even the restless nights and lack of appetite my angel is having at the moment due to 3 teeth coming through!!

Oh and just to add I am now SO addicted to COD Black Ops! Chris has got me into it and any spare time we have is spent playing it. And last but not least I have to say I am very proud of myself for doing all my treatments. It is very time consuming but I am feeling the benefit and feel very good. The swine flu was a big enough scare to kick me up the ass and in a way i'm glad I had it cos it has made me realise I need to start looking after myself and quick!

So all in all life is on the up. I feel very lucky to have my husband, Livvy and my lungs behaving themselves :) I refuse to let this illness beat me. I have too much to live for xxxx
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1 comment:

  1. Awww those shoes are too cute. Bless her for getting scared lol.
    Another COD victim eh, tsssk, can't stand it myself, too much like hard work :op
    And well done to you for getting sorted with treatments wish mum would just accept hers.
