Sunday 7 August 2011


There is no way i can update my blog just off my phone. Too much has happened so i need to sit down when i get home from hospital and take time to write everything down as best i can.

This particular time in my life has been the best mixed with the worst things that have ever happened to me. So its important i write it all down for my babies to read and to help me put everything behind me.

All i will say right now is that i know for a fact i am the most blessed and lucky person living on the planet and in the universe right now. I have a husband that has proved more than i ever ever expected and thought he was capable of proving. Chris is the strongest person i know and i love him with all my heart and beyond. And i will also say that i have the 2 most stunning, beautiful children that i have ever seen. Im sure im not biased cos everyone else says they are beautiful too ;o)

So i will finish by saying this is the start of a very long story that covers a month of my life and i will update as soon as i can when i get home.

Chris, Olivia and Jayden Moult you are all the reason why i take my next breath and why i will fight so hard for you all. I love you all so much its overwhelming and i cannot wait for us to start our new family life together....

It wont be long :o) xxx
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